Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My tender mercy...

I hate posting without pictures! Unfortunately, 1) there is not a picture that will come close to describing the feelings I have, (even all the most talanted photographers in the world, could not make it happen) and 2) Joel has been using my camera for work purposes!

Nora and I had a GREAT day together! She is always so fun to be around, and I love her sooooo dearly, but for some reason, today I feel especially filled! We took a trip to the mall together. Just the two of us! Something we have never done together. Usually Aunt Alie, daddy, Katie... usually someone goes with us! Of course, today, it was just the two of us. I was on a mission for a new Easter dress to wear to church on Sunday. I knew this was a tough task ahead of me. A 2 year old in the mall, alone, no one to play with her, but me, who needs to find a dress, yikes! We started out the trip with a ride on the carousel. Then we tried on a few dresses, which was a nightmare! Not because of Nora, in fact, she LOVED watching mommy try on dresses! "Mommy, you are so pretty!" Which is exactly what I needed to hear, because I felt... less then pretty! But, being the darling princess that she is, loved every minute of it. On to the next store. Nora looks up at me from her stroller and says, "Mommy, I need to get up. I need to walk around." I said, "Ok, Nora, but I need to see you. You need to stay right by me." As I was checking out the racks, she would step into the rack, and say, "Mommy, you see me?" Rack after rack, "Mommy, you see me?" The sales people were probably cringing that I would allow her to be inside the racks, but I figured it was better then having a melt down. Because she was so good, I took her into the Disney Store, and I told her that she was so good, that mommy would get her a princess. She loved that. (I think positive reinforcement is the way to go. In stead of, "I will get you this, and you have to behave." It was, because you behaved, you can have this reward.) After an unsuccessful dress shopping trip, we went home. She fell asleep in the car on the way home, and when I carried her into bed, she was so sweet, and beautiful, I laid with her, and took a two hour nap too. Something I haven't done with her since.... ever! It was awesome. So awesome, that when I woke up, I had no idea where we were, what day it was. For a moment I panicked... "There must have been something that I should have been doing... shoot... focus.... AHHHH.... nothing!"

After our nap time, we went to check out this pre-school that I have been eye-balling for the last two weeks. The facilities were A-Mazing! I wanted to go to school there! All the workers were so happy, and the kids were great. The place was immaculate! Everything looked picturesque. We set up an appointment to come back and tour the property. They sent us away with a registration packet. Now, mind you, this is the first time I have ever lookied into a pre-school. I have no idea what tuition costs are like. I thought, yeah, this is probably going to be a little out of our planned budget, but I am willing to re-arrange a few things, if it is the right place. So I looked at the tuition costs.... uh? Is that right? No, that must be a typo, they say per week, that must mean per semester? WOW! Lets just say, that if this is the place, I will be getting a part time job while she is in school, just to pay for her school! Joel seems to think we can make it work. I am going to check it out anyways, so I can compare it with some other places. But when we were leaving, Nora stood at the door looking in and said, "Mommy, I want to play there." It was sort of sad!

The end of the day was supposed to be part of our "Love Dare". APparently Joel had seen a store, and he knew there was something there that he wanted to buy for me. He thought he remembered where this store was, he didn't remember the name of it. He thought it closed early, but wasn't sure. So we drove around for an hour looking for this store, and couldn't find it. So we stopped to grab something to eat. I was a little nervous, because Nora had been in the car for a very long time, and I was expecting her to be a little cranky. She still had her princess from earlier. We grabbed our food, and sat at a table. Nora got chicken noodle soup, and was happy. She dipped her bread in the soup, took a bite, and said, "Mmmmm, thank you mommy. This is really good." She said this after every bite! I was at that moment, realizing, what a great kid I have. After dinner, we found the store, and sure enough, they were closed. Joel was frusterated, and I was tired. Nora, was HAPPY! We came home, and I kissed her good night, and my wonderfully amazing husband took her to bed, and sent me out dress shopping.

I can't put my finger on it, but today was a great day. It started out with me missing my family, and wanting my friends. It ended with me feeling more grateful then I have in a very long time. Of course, tomorrow is a new day, and who knows what it will bring? But moments like these should be shared, so that I have something to look back on. I got my camera back, and I am so excited to use it again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next....


AMy said...

it is the little things that make it all worth it :)

Julie Barb said...

Sounds like an amazing day!!

Jean Smith said...

ahhhhh...thank goodness for blogs. you are so far away but you seem so close when i get to read your thoughts, ramblings, and stories (oh, and ramblings is a good thing)...

Jerome said...

You do have an amazing daughter and so do I.
Enjoy these days, I think they happen a lot but most times we're too busy to realize it. Thanks for giving us this, I really miss our almost daily debriefing sitting in your living room, playing with princesses and hearing the events of the day.
See ya in 14 hours. DOD

The Prices said...

I'm so happy to hear you had a wonderful day when it could've been a poor me day.

Q'Ville said...

Ditppt on Dad;s comment. Sorry, I can't tupe too well thur the etarsl

Angie Cheney said...

It's amazing that you and Nora haven't been to the mall by yourselves before! Mommy, daughter things are fun and special, as you now know. Wish I could have had a nap today! Love hearing your thoughts from this far away...